Employee spotlights feature exceptional A.G. Rhodes staff members who are doing great work throughout the organization. March’s spotlight features Patrick Kimoyo who works in the Therapy Department at our Cobb home.
When asked why Patrick was selected for this month’s spotlight, Administrator Angela Daugherty said, “He’s such a positive person who is always willing to help out. He’s a team-player, and he’s beloved by everyone.”
Where are you from?
I was born and brought up in Kenya. I landed in Atlanta on July 7th, 1999, and I’ve been here ever since.
What is your job title, and what does it entail?
I’m a Rehab Tech. My job is to get elders from their rooms to therapy and to take them back. I file all of their therapy paperwork, I take evaluations to the doctor to sign and file them to the elders’ charts, and I make copies of them. I do that every day for a lot of elders, but when you love your job, you don’t feel like it’s too much pressure.
How long have you been working at A.G. Rhodes/working in the long-term care industry?
I’m a CNA also, and I came to A.G. Rhodes as a CNA in 2002, which is where I started in long-term care. After three years, I was promoted to a Rehab Tech.
What made you get into this field?
I didn’t know anything about long-term care facilities—we don’t have those in Africa—but my Auntie, who I stayed with when I first moved here, told me about them. Since I love elders, I jumped on the chance to go to CNA school.
It’s a calling. I remember back in my village when my grandmother broke her hip. I told my parents that I would take care of her. I brought her to my house until she was healed. That love for taking care of my grandmother and elders is in me—it’s what I do.
What’s the best part about your job?
The best part is that all of my coworkers motivate and encourage me in everything. They are like my family; they treat me like I’m their brother.
A couple of weeks ago I was asked to help out on the floor as a CNA because they needed extra people. I haven’t worked on the floor since 2005, but I was happy to do it, and my coworkers in therapy helped me.
I’m always smiling and one day a coworker asked me if I’m ever upset. I’ve never been upset in therapy—I’ve never been upset at A.G. Rhodes. I love my job.
What do you want people to know about working with elders?
You have to work like a family. Don’t do it like you’re working to be paid—work like you’re taking care of your mother, your father, your grandfather or your grandmother. The elders here are our loved ones. And treat employees like your brother or sister. You’ll be paid ok, but love your job first. Money will come later.
What keeps you going?
What keeps me going is motivation from my colleagues, and the bonds I have with the elders.
What does it take to work in this field?
You have to be a good communicator with elders, and with fellow employees. That’s very important. When you talk to an elder, look at him or her in the eye and give them time to answer you and to tell you want they want. And be truthful—if an elder asks you the same question, answer them again patiently.
Do you have any advice for someone interested in getting into the long-term care industry?
You have to really love people; you have to want to help and take care of people. Don’t come because you need money, but come because you have the calling.
What do you do when you’re not working (hobbies, family, etc)?
I’m also a full-time Med Tech at an Assisted Living. I’ve had two full-time jobs for more than 12 years. It’s not because of the money, it’s because I want to help again and I enjoy it.
I also love basketball—the Atlanta Hawks are my team. If I’m not there, I’m watching it on tv and I won’t answer the phone if basketball is on. I like to watch soccer and football, and I love to run. I do a lot of exercise. I like to watch movies; I can’t wait to watch Black Panther. I keep myself busy.
My daughter, her husband and my nine-month old grandson live in Kenya, where I try and visit at least once a year. She always helps people. I’ve instilled in her the discipline of love. During the holidays, she cooks and supplies food to the poor, and of course the elderly. She’s amazing. I’m very proud of her.
Do you have anything you’d like to add?
I’d say to everyone, anywhere, love one another.
More about Patrick:
Patrick has previously been selected as Cobb’s employee of the month, and CNA of the year. He recently completed the three-day Eden class to become a Certified Eden Associate, and is now teaching a portion of the customer service section of new hire orientation.
March 5, 2018