A stroke can affect a person’s mobility, speech and cognitive functions. Because the brain has an excellent capacity to regenerate and re-learn, stroke rehabilitation can provide therapies that help a person restore as much functioning as possible.Stroke patient in speech therapy

A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked. This results in damage to brain tissue that can affect different portions of a person’s brain such as balance, speech, swallowing and/or vision. A stroke may affect one or both sides of the brain, which can impact the symptoms a person may have after the stroke.

While some people may experience a recovery of most functions immediately after a stroke, others may not. When this is the case, stroke rehabilitation may be beneficial.

What Services Might a Person Require After Stroke?

Stroke rehabilitation can address a variety of functions a person may experience after a stroke, including:

  • Mobility: After a stroke, a person often has weakness on one side. He or she may have difficulty walking as well. Mobility training can help a person learn to walk again or to compensate for weakness on one side.
  • Range-of-Motion: A common symptom after stroke is spasticity, where a person experiences muscle tension and jerking muscle movements. Rehabilitation can help a person reduce muscle tension and improve lost range of motion due to spasticity.
  • Speech: A stroke can affect a person’s speech as well as his or her ability to swallow. Stroke rehabilitation services include helping a person re-learn how to swallow properly as well as regain speech and speaking abilities.
  • Mental Health: Recovering from a stroke can cause a person to experience increased levels of anxiety, stress and depression. By providing a place where a person can explore these emotions, he or she can experience a better quality of life following a stroke.

These are just a few examples of stroke rehab services offered at A.G. Rhodes Health & Rehab. We evaluate individuals based on their stroke symptoms and goals for recovery, and tailor our therapy and rehabilitation programs to meet their needs.

When Should Stroke Rehabilitation Begin?

Starting on a journey to recovery should begin as soon as possible after a person has received medical treatments for a stroke. According to the Mayo Clinic, the sooner a person is treated for a stroke, the more likely the person will regain lost functions. Typically, stroke rehabilitation will begin while a person is still in the hospital with physical therapy and sometimes speech therapy. These interventions may then be continued at a rehabilitation center, such as A.G. Rhodes Health & Rehab, following discharge from the hospital.

Stroke rehabilitation and recovery takes time, but working with a multidisciplinary team that is well-versed in stroke care can help a person regain functioning more quickly.

For more information on rehabilitation after a stroke, call A.G. Rhodes Health & Rehab at (877) 918-6413.