Short-term rehab is a great option for elderly people who need help regaining their strength, mobility and independence after an illness, accident or surgery. With expert medical and nursing care, physical therapy and other therapies tailored to their specific needs, they can get back on their feet quickly and start living life again. Let’s take a look at some of the main goals of short-term rehab for elderly people.
Regaining Strength and Mobility
The goal of short-term rehab is to give elderly people the tools they need to regain strength and mobility so that they can return home safely. They will receive physical therapy that includes exercises specifically designed to help them build strength and increase their range of motion. This helps them relearn how to move around independently so that they can do day-to-day tasks such as getting dressed, bathing, cooking and more.
Improving Balance
Another important goal of short-term rehab for elderly people is improving balance. Many seniors are at risk for falls due to weakened muscles or impaired vision. During rehab, physical therapists will work with them on exercises that focus on strengthening core muscles while also teaching them techniques to maintain balance while moving around in daily life.
Developing Independent Living Skills
Short-term rehab gives elderly people the opportunity to practice independent living skills such as dressing themselves, preparing meals, taking medications correctly and more. Rehab professionals will offer guidance as needed but give them plenty of opportunities to practice these skills on their own so that they can develop confidence in their abilities before returning home.
Short-term rehabilitation programs offer tremendous benefits for elderly people who need help regaining strength, mobility and independence after an illness or injury. With expert medical care, physical therapy and other therapies tailored specifically for their needs, seniors can quickly get back on their feet again—and learn how to live independently once again—so that they can start enjoying life again soon!