Across the nation, the conclusion of the Thanksgiving holiday season witnessed a surge in COVID-19 cases. Short-term senior care providers have taken prompt action to help limit the spread of the contagious illness within care facilities. However, the recent increase in the number of cases has caused some states to renew public health measures that require social distancing and mask wearing.
Despite the immense hardships created by the Novel Coronavirus, around the world inspiring stories of survival have emerged. For example, a number of remarkable seniors in the United States have prevailed over the virus. Some of them have decided to share their stories with the public. Their accounts help lift the spirits of everyone during a challenging year.
One of The Oldest COVID-19 Survivors
Earlier this year, Sylvia Goldsholl delighted her family members and caregivers when she survived a coronavirus infection. The retired bookkeeper from New York City had resided in a senior care facility in New Jersey for a decade. Then, just a few months after celebrating her 108th birthday, she contracted COVID-19 in April. Fortunately, she prevailed over the illness. She has become one of the most senior survivors of Novel Coronavirus. As a child, she lived through the deadly 1918 Influenza outbreak. She remains one of the few people on Earth to have survived both global pandemics.
Beating The COVID-19 Virus Twice
Another remarkable account of a senior overcoming the Novel Coronavirus recently garnered national news headlines. Joanne Merola decided to share her mother’s story with the public in an effort to encourage and inspire others. Angelina Friedman, age 102, overcame the potentially fatal virus twice during 2020. She sustained an infection in March after she traveled from a senior care facility to a hospital for a minor procedure. Her symptoms at that time consisted of a mild fever for several days. She subsequently recovered.
Then, in October, she suffered a second COVID-19 infection. The virus on this occasion caused her to become gravely ill with coughing, fever, and lethargy. The care facility placed her in isolation to limit the chance other people might contract the contagious disease. Fortunately, Mrs. Friedman made a complete recovery. She had returned to her own room by early December. Her daughter reported she recently shared a heartwarming half-hour phone conversation with her mother, who has regained her good spirits!